UAP有幸在传奇艺术家Lawrence Argent于十月份去世之前与他进行合作。 UAP had the honour of working with legendary artist Lawrence Argent, collaborating with him on two projects shortly before his death in October. 艺术家Argent以他异想天开的、大规模的动物雕塑而闻名,他的最后一件作品仍在延续他的艺术愿景,成功地将作品所在的地点转变。作品‘超然’使用了一个龙的形象来反映中国文化,并且这一神话生物形象象征着权力和吉祥。通过对下沉式广场的利用,这一高16米的不锈钢雕塑灵活地跨越了两层楼,龙的身体和后肢在地下,而龙头、龙背和龙尾伸出地面。对照明和喷雾的使用,使龙看上去像在空中漂浮一般。 Known for his whimsical sculptures which feature monumental-sized animals, Argent’s final projects continue his artistic vision, successfully transforming the spaces they are in. Beyond Reflection uses a dragon to reflect the culture of its Chinese setting and the mythological creature’s characteristics of power and happiness. Through the use of a sunken plaza, the 16 metre stainless steel structure cleverly spans two levels, with the body and legs of the dragon below ground, and the head, back and tail above. This unique approach, along with the use of mist and lighting, makes it appear the dragon is floating. ▼作品‘超然’使用了龙的形象来反映中国文化,Beyond Reflection uses a dragon to reflect the culture of its Chinese setting ▼雕塑利用了下沉式广场,跨越两层楼的高度,the structure cleverly spans two levels through the use of a sunken plaza ▼“龙头”伸出地面,如同在空中漂浮,the dragon’s head juts from the ground,which seems like being floating “龙之为物,幻化无穷。”艺术家Argent说道。“就在此刻,变换的身形显现。瞬间成为永恒。” “The dragon emerges formless, much like an apparition,” Argent said of the artwork. “Then, just as this moment in time, the fluidity of form emerges into something recognisable.” ▼雕塑细部,detail ▼制作过程,production process 位置:深圳,壹方城 |